Lizz Bass and family

Motherhood, Elevated: A Discussion with Triplet Mom Lizz Bass

For Lizz Bass, motherhood wasn't necessarily top of mind. She had a fulfilling job as a personal trainer and a full life with her husband, Ryan, on their Florida farm. But the moment Lizz met her firstborn, she knew motherhood was her true purpose. Cut to years later when the couple found out their family would be growing not by one, but by three little girls. Lizz took a moment in her exceptionally busy life as a mom of four (three of whom are—you guessed it—triplets), to sit down with Little Shadows co-founder Lex Goodman to talk about her thoughts on motherhood and her recent devastating synovial sarcoma diagnosis.

Read on to learn more about how motherhood has elevated Lizz's every day life and please note that if you would like to donate to her treatment you may do so here. Any affiliate links included in this article will also work toward helping to fund her treatment. 

"I love being a mother. People ask me how I do it every day, and I just reply, 'I just do it'."

Lizz Bass

1. Tell us a bit about yourself! What was your journey to motherhood?

Motherhood was never something I “dreamed of” as some moms would say. I knew I wanted my own children, but wasn’t pushing the idea of having them at a certain age or had names picked out long before having kids.

In 2018 I got married, and shortly after in 2022 my son, Grady, was born. I knew I was meant to be a mother the moment he came into the world. He instantly became my everything and showed me my purpose on this earth. I stepped down from a management position at a local gym to stay home with him. At the time I loved my job as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor so I made it work where I could take him with me during most of the sessions. He continued to come to work with me until he was 2-years-old with occasional days of being with the sitter.

Fast forward to 2023 and we had found out I was, yet again, pregnant…but this time it was spontaneous triplets. The pregnancy was no surprise, but TRIPLETS?! How? Why? All the questions and concerns started spinning immediately. Funny story: my husband wasn’t even with me at the ultrasound! It was just my 2-year-old and me. I actually found out on Ryan's birthday while he was out hunting. It was “just another ultrasound,” right!? My husband and I were in disbelief that we were actually going to have triplets! It was months of shock followed by a lot of worry. The best part was telling people I was pregnant with triplets, because it's not something you hear every day, and I was very large! We made it to 35 weeks and the girls (yes THREE girls) decided they were ready to enter the world on Mother's Day. It was so special.

Now we are on yet another challenge through life. I was just diagnosed with synovial sarcoma so I am having to get treatment for the next 6 months….as if triplets wasn't enough! 

2. You've recently become a mom of triplets. How has that been different than when you welcomed your first, a singleton?

Well, I am unable to give undivided attention to everyone. It kills me that I can't (comfortably) hold and love everyone at once. I also miss being able to get up and go places. But this is where life wants me right now, and that's at my home or out on the farm with the kiddos all week long. I am just grateful I can stay home with them.

Lizz Bass and family
Haley Long /

3. What do you wish you had known as a new mother that you know now?

That each day/week/month is a season and the hard days will pass! Knowing this, this go-around has helped me tremendously. Also, if people ask to help you, ask them to do laundry or dishes or something. They don't have to hold the baby!

4. How do you suggest moms go about building their own community?

Facebook groups!! Find mamas on Instagram (you can follow Lizz here) that have the same age kids and just message them one day! And, create a group chat with close friends to send pictures to and daily updates.

5. What are some of the best tools in your motherhood toolbox? These can be baby gear, practitioners, grandparent support etc.

I am extremely independent so it's hard for me to ask for help, but I am learning. As for baby gear, a baby carrier is a must! I love the Solly Baby wrap and the Babybjörn Carrier. It frees up your hands for just a moment!

Lizz Bass and family
Haley Long /

6. How do you build in time for yourself as a mom?

My time for me is a shower at night and a brisk walk outside (whether it's with a baby or not).

7. What's one societal norm for new moms that you wish we'd all stop doing?

Asking if mama is getting any rest. All we truly need to hear is something like, “You're killin’ it!” or an offer to help without having the mom think of yet another thing you could possibly do for her. I am very independent, so it takes ALOT for me to ask for help.

8. What has surprised you most about motherhood?

Nothing really. I love being a mother. People ask me how I do it every day, and I just reply, “I just do it”.

9. What are some products you’ve loved in the postpartum period and as a parent of multiples?

The Belly Band! And, I have really enjoyed the Little Shadows R&R Postpartum Gown. I wear it to bed a lot still, even at 3-months postpartum, and now get to wear it through my chemo treatments. [Editor's Note: Clicking on the R&R hyperlink will automatically give you 20% off all Little Shadows products, with 20% of the purchase automatically going to Lizz.]

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