Alex Rutkay

Motherhood, Elevated: Citymouse Founder Alex Rutkay, Ultimate Cool Mom

Alex Rutkay citymouse founder

In 2020 Alex Rutkay became a mom. Then, three weeks later, lockdown happened. Four months after that, Alex was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Despite all of that hardship rolled into a matter of a few short months, Alex came out of it stronger and more impassioned to thrive in her new life as a mom and cancer survivor. Now, she and her brand citymouse are inspiring women all over the world to buck the norm of what motherhood looks like and make this season of life their own. 

Alex chatted with Little Shadows co-founder, Lex, about her experience as an entrepreneur and mother, what inspired her to start citymouse and what tools she relies upon to make it all work–because if all that wasn't enough, she's also a professional makeup artist. We're grateful to Alex for taking the time to share more about herself, for her support as a fellow mom-founded business and also for creating our beloved citymouse sling diaper bag, which we both own in sad beige with the green wavy strap and are obsessed with. Read on to learn more about Alex, her story and what makes city mouse so unique.

"I’m so incredibly inspired and lit up when I see badass moms following their dreams, innovating and creating and being the best mothers they can be. Women are incredible."

Tell us a bit about yourself! What was your journey to motherhood and what inspired you to found citymouse?

I became a mother in 2020 and gave birth 3 weeks before lockdown! I had a pretty difficult year postpartum because of the pandemic but I was also diagnosed with a rare form of cancer when my son was 4 months old.

It was a trying year mentally and physically but I spent a lot of time on my computer working on an Etsy shop that I had opened and taking an online course about print on demand products. I did very well with the shop that year and started to expand into the idea of selling a physical product once again.

I had the idea for the diaper bag one night when I was walking home from dinner with my family. It was like a divine inspiration because the name and the whole product came to me on that walk clear as day. I had just invested about $8,000 into a different Amazon FBA product but this felt special and I decided to pursue the idea at the same time which my husband was not thrilled about! 

What is the core function/purpose of citymouse and how is it different than other options?

Citymouse is a totally different type of parenting brand. Firstly, I design bags for minimalists. Every diaper bag brand I found was too large for my needs and style. Not only that, there were really only two shapes to choose from: a backpack and a fanny pack! I really wanted to create a brand and product that created items that blended into daily life as a busy mom on the go. I wanted chic materials and discreet designs that would seamlessly transition into my life beyond motherhood for travel and daily use. 

The Citymouse sling diaper bag will help to de-bulk your life as a parent and is a product that you'll love using with or without kids.

WHAT'S INCLUDED: Plain strap that matches bag color- Choice of Designer Strap - Changing Sheet- Sling Bag 

SPECIFICATIONS: Bag length 13", width 3", height 8"- water/stain resistant- washable, lay flat to dry-designer strap extends up to 55"- RFID protection for card slots 

FEATURES: Key lanyard- elastic drink holder- bottle or sippy cup- magnetic close pocket- mesh pocket for diapers- credit card slots- back zipper pocket

citymouse bag

What do you wish you had known as a new mother that you know now?

How much help I would need and how little sleep I am able to function on! Haha but I also wish I knew how much my brain chemistry would change and how much unconditional love I would feel for this little human and just how much he would make me laugh. 

What is your favorite part of working/innovating in the parenting space?

Truly connecting with my customers and other female entrepreneurs. I’m so incredibly inspired and lit up when I see badass moms following their dreams, innovating and creating and being the best mothers they can be. Women are incredible.

How do you suggest moms go about building their own community?

I truly leaned into online groups and my friends who have had children. I loved and still love connecting with moms online and being open and vulnerable about the struggles I face because it turns out that we all have them! 

What are some of the best tools in your motherhood toolbox? These can be baby gear, practitioners, grandparent support etc.

A good therapist! 

How do you build in time for yourself as a mom and business owner?

I have learned to allocate tasks that eat up time like laundry and ordering groceries and I have learned to invest in help that allows me to create space to breathe and think. 

What's one societal norm for new moms that you wish we'd all stop doing?

Judging other moms for hiring help. Everyone has a different situation and different needs. Many women like myself don’t have families nearby or have families at all who can step in to help with childcare. The mom shaming for taking time for yourself needs to end.

What has surprised you most about motherhood?

How the love and the joy outweigh the difficulty. It really is the best and hardest thing I have ever done with my life and I don’t regret one second. 

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