We’re on a mission to ensure mothers have an elevated, stylish and comfortable journey from pregnancy to delivery and recovery

How to Create the Best Birthing Experience: From Labor & Delivery To Postpartum

Written by: Alexa Goodman & Lindsay Leidheiser



Time to read 4 min

Let's be real: there are a lot of aspects of the birthing experience that you can't totally control, but there are things you can do to ensure your labor, delivery and postpartum period go as smoothly as possible. Little Shadows was founded by two moms of two, so believe us when we say we've been in your shoes and have felt all the feels that come with preparing to meet your baby. 

As your due date approaches, we suggest crossing the following items off your checklist. And remember, you've got this. 

Steps To Create The Best Birthing Experience

  1. Prep nourishing meals (or meal deliveries) to enjoy during your fourth trimester
  2. Pack your hospital bag
  3. Consider gifting yourself a hospital gown alternative like our Luxe Labor & Delivery Gown
  4. Take time to rest and nest before baby's arrival
  5. Have a plan for heading to the hospital or laboring at home
  6. Create a birth plan if you feel inspired to do so
  7. Install your baby's carseat
  8. Stock up on necessities like diapers, wipes and postpartum care items
  9. Choose a pediatrician
  10. Consider purchasing a breast pump and/or formula to have at home just in case
  11. Discuss how you'll announce your birth with your partner and who you'd like to tell first
  12. Remind yourself of how strong you've been on this journey and know you should be so proud of how far you've come

We at Little Shadows decided to start elevating the birthing experience because most of the labor and delivery gown options available (aka hospital gowns) are uncomfortable, scratchy and, let's face it, not cute. Having had long labors and hospital stays ourselves, we knew this needed to change. We realized we could help moms look back at their newborn photos and smile by empowering them to create a birthing experience true to their own personal style, so we created our Luxe Labor & Delivery Gown.

We wanted to create a labor, delivery and recovery gown that would provide comfort and style on one of the biggest days of a mother’s existence: the day she welcomes the love of her life into the world.

We are committed to providing a better birthing experience for moms with our Luxe Labor & Delivery Gown because it’s important that moms be celebrated as they have their first or fifth foray into motherhood. Read on to learn how moms and Little Shadows co-founders improved their own birthing experiences the second time around.

How Lindsay Reclaimed Her Birthing Experience

When I gave birth the first time, I couldn't believe pregnant moms were given the same drab hospital gown that the rest of the hospital patients get! It wasn't until I was birthing for 39 hrs and had two blood transfusions that I realized how ill-suited those uncomfortable hospital gowns truly are. I wanted a better birthing experience for my second son but was dismayed by the subpar fits and feels of the available birthing gowns on the market. To add insult to injury, the best birthing gown I could find still had me exposed in all the wrong places. Ultimately, I regretted not having a better option that made me feel more comfortable in the photos I have of my first moments with my youngest. Looking back at those pictures inspired me to create a better birthing experience for moms in the delivery room. That’s when Lex and I got together to create the Luxe Labor and Delivery Gown.



What Lex Changed During Her Second Pregnancy

Motherhood is a transformative experience but we have to ensure we’re not leaving the mother behind. Here’s how I tried to combat that my second time around.

Nothing prepared me for the life-altering experience of becoming a mother. And like so many of my other friends who have since started their own journey into parenthood, I prepared for how I would care for my baby and didn’t think of how I’d care for myself. 

Like Lindsay, I welcomed my first son in early COVID (April 2020). I was the first of my friends to have a baby and frankly, I was just relieved to be able to have my husband there. I thought nothing of improving the birthing experience or making myself more comfortable and prepared for labor or postpartum. Ultimately, it really impacted my experience as a new mom and it took me years to give myself permission to fill up my own cup so I could show up the way I wanted to for my whole family. I knew I was a good mom, but I also knew I wasn’t doing as much for myself as I needed to.

Cut to my pregnancy with my second son. I was determined to provide a healing birthing experience for myself and a smooth transition for my growing family. I prepped nourishing meals for my fourth trimester, I hired and asked for help, I made my elder son a part of the process and ensured he, too, felt nurtured and loved throughout all this change. And I decided to stop making myself a martyr and start trying to flourish as a mom. 

As my delivery neared, Lindsay and I began forming the ideas for Little Shadows and our Luxe Labor & Delivery Gown. When I went into labor, Lindsay dropped off my gown in the L&D Ward fresh from production. During my (second, ugh) three-day labor, I felt empowered, comfortable and like I was starting this next chapter the way I wanted to.

I remember hearing that line “in nine months you’ll meet someone new, it’s not your baby, it’s you,” in my first postpartum experience but it really rang true for me the second time.

Now, I’m grateful to have the space to care and be present for my family while also redefining what me as a mom looks like. 

With Little Shadows, we hope to hold space for moms during the birthing experience, as you make that transition from self to mom. My wish for you is that you carve out space for yourself as you welcome your baby and know that nurturing yourself as you nurture your child isn't selfish--it's good for your whole family. If no one told you today, you’re doing a good job!



Product Featured In This Article: The Luxe Labor & Delivery Gown